Julie-Anne Delcorde


Julie-Anne Delcorde specializes in corporate and financial law, including domestic and cross-border M&A and private equity, with a special focus on start-ups and the digital field in general.


Julie-Anne Delcorde is specialized in corporate and financial law, including domestic and cross-border M&A and private equity, with a special focus on start-ups and the digital field in general, the corporate real estate sector and the cooperative sector.

Julie-Anne has a particular interest and focus on startups and the tech world, and she advises various startups from their creation through their successive investment rounds. She also developed throughout the years a solid expertise in the area of corporate real estate deals, including real estate companies’ acquisition, and structuring non-regulated real estate funds. She has a strong litigation background and also assists her clients in legal proceedings concerning corporate and financial law.

Julie-Anne is the author of several contributions in high-level legal publications, including on corporate law for startups, shareholders’ meetings, and cross-border mergers. She often gives lectures and is a member or head of the scientific committees of legal-focused conferences on these topics. She is an active member of the Communication Institute for the French Brussels Bar, where she gives trainings on communication, negotiation and pleading skills.

Julie-Anne completed the “Finance for non-financials managers” Executive Program with the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and management (ULB) in 2016.

She was assistant lecturer at the University of Louvain (contractual and extra-contractual obligations) at the beginning of her career. She was granted the legal advice award from the Brussels French Bar (Prix des Anciens Présidents) (2002).

Julie-Anne holds a law degree from the University of Louvain (2000 - Magna cum laude). She works in French, English, Dutch and Spanish.

After more than a decade in a major law firm, she founded LIME in January 2018 together with Thierry Tilquin and Thérèse Loffet.


View publications and lectures

  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, "La fusion transfrontalière de sociétés de capitaux en droit belge après la transposition de la Directive 2005/56/CE", Revue pratique des sociétés, 2009, p. 7 and fl.
  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, "La fusion transfrontalière de sociétés de capitaux en droit belge après la transposition de la Directive 2005/56/CE", Revue pratique des sociétés, 2009, p. 7 and fl.
  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, "Les fusions transfrontalières", Cahiers du Juriste, 2010/2, p. 29 and fl.
  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, "Les restructurations transfrontalières en droit belge", in Fusions transfrontalières de sociétés : droit luxembourgeois et droit comparé, Larcier, 2011, p. 169 and fl.
  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, "La convocation et l’information préalable à l’assemblée générale", in Les assemblées générales : La loi concernant l’exercice des droits d’actionnaires de sociétés cotées - De algemene vergaderingen : Wet betreffende de uitoefening van bepaalde rechten van aandeelhouders van genoteerde vennootschappen, Larcier, 2011, p. 25 and fl.
  • Julie-Anne Delcorde, "Le point sur les abus de marché", lecture, Midis de la Formation , Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, October 2017
  • Julie-Anne Delcorde, Scientific direction of the colloquium “La révolution digitale et les start-ups” organised by the Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles in April 2016, and author and lecturer of the contribution “Outils de droit des sociétés et simplification administrative”, in the Acts of said colloquium, Brussels, Larcier, 2016, p. 145 and fl.
  • Julie-Anne Delcorde, « La société coopérative : points essentiels », in Le nouveau droit des sociétés et des associations : Analyse critique et modèles de clauses commentés, Brussels, Larcier, 2019, p. 95 and fl.
  • Julie-Anne Delcorde, « Les modes digitaux de communication, de réunion et de décision des sociétés », in Le nouveau droit des sociétés et des associations : Analyse critique et modèles de clauses commentés, Brussels, Larcier, 2019, p.355 and fl.
  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, “A new paradigm for cooperative societies under the new Belgian code of companies and associations”, IJCL, 2020, p. 98
  • Thierry Tilquin, Julie-Anne Delcorde, « La gouvernance des sociétés simples, en nom collectif et en commandite », in La Gouvernance des sociétés au 21ème siècle, Limal, Anthemis, 2020, p. 97