Thérèse Loffet
Thérèse Loffet specializes in corporate law, reorganisations and mergers and acquisitions, corporate real estate and investment funds structures.
Thérèse Loffet is specialized in corporate law, reorganizations and mergers and acquisitions, corporate real estate and investment funds structures.
Thérèse advises private and public clients, including state-owned companies and institutions subject to prudential supervision. She has a specific expertise in banks and insurance companies’ acquisitions and reorganizations, as well as in corporate real estate deals. She also has a specific knowledge of administrative law, which enables her to provide particularly insightful assistance to public sector clients in relation with their functioning and transactions.
She is the author of articles on directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, cooperative companies, fund restructurings as well as specialized real estate investment funds.
Thérèse has been assistant lecturer at the University of Brussels (Legal personality and estate law).
She holds a law degree from the University of Louvain (2006 - Magna cum laude). She works in French, English, Dutch and Portuguese.
After more than a decade in a major law firm, she founded LIME in January 2018 together with Thierry Tilquin and Julie-Anne Delcorde.
View publications and lectures
- Thérèse Loffet, Cécile Coune, "L’assurance de la responsabilité des dirigeants d’entreprise", in Les assurances de responsabilité de l’entreprise – Questions choisies, coll. Les ateliers des FUCAM, Louvain-la-Neuve, Anthemis, 2010
- Thérèse Loffet, Cécile Coune, "De verzekering van de aansprakelijkheid van bedrijfsleiders in de praktijk", Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, 2011, pp. 97 and fl.
- Thierry Tilquin, Thérèse Loffet, "La restructuration des d’organismes de placement collectif après la directive 2009/65/CE et la loi du 3 août 2012 UCIT IV)", Droit bancaire et financier, 2013, p. 102 and fl.
- Thérèse Loffet, presentation on the "Perspectives en matière de gouvernance des entreprises publiques during the seminar dedicated to "Recent development of Corporate Governance" organized by the Belgian association Women on Board on 17 November 2015
- Thierry Tilquin, Thérèse Loffet, Tom van Dyck, Laurence Pinte, Karolien Decoene, Steven Peeters, "Belgium", in The Asset Management Review, 6th edition, The Law Reviews, 2017, p. 66 and fl.
- Thierry Tilquin, Thérèse Loffet, presentation on the subject "Les Conventions d’actionnaires et le sens de la justice" during the Familybiz launching event organized by BNP Paribas Fortis in October 2017.
- Thérèse Loffet, "Le fonds d’investissement immobilier spécialisé : aspects légaux et réglementaires", Jurimpratique (Revue pratique de l’immobilier), special number, 2017, p.167 and fl.
- Thérèse Loffet, "Les associés de la société coopérative", in Les sociétés coopératives : nouvelles évolutions, Direction scientifique Julie-Anne Delcorde, Jeune Barreau, Larcier, 2018, p.77 and fl.
- Thierry Tilquin, Thérèse Loffet, La société coopérative, to be published
- Thérèse Loffet, presentation of "Quelques aspects financiers et fiscaux de la société coopérative" during the seminar dedicated to housing cooperatives organized by the University of Louvain – Saint Louis on 1 February 2024
- Thérèse Loffet, Maïka Bernaerts, "Commentaire de l’article 6:1 du Code des sociétés et des associations", in Commentaire systématique du Code des sociétés et des associations, suppl. 57, Kluwer, 2024
- Thérèse Loffet, Maïka Bernaerts, "Commentaire de l’article 6:19 du Code des sociétés et des associations", in Commentaire systématique du Code des sociétés et des associations, suppl. 57, Kluwer, 2024